Assignment 4

(a) Perform a Raster Merge on the four satellite images of FAS_China3.tiff, FAS_China4.tiff, FAS_China5.tiff and FAS_China6.tiff.

(b) Perform a Raster Extract covering the areas of the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan Island.

(c) Use the vector data for the boundaries of Taiwan's cities and counties.

(d) Display air pollution data for Oct and Nov (2012), using Pseudocolor; Spectral (Blue to Red).

(e) Perform Raster Calculator to display the change of pollutants between those two months.

(f) Suggest some parts of Taiwan that are less hazardous to stay/live during those bad air quality days.

According to the data, it represented that 3 districts are suitable to stay/live during those bad air quality period in Oct and Nov. The PM10 index in these areas is <=115.
1. Northern part of "南投縣", 
2. The area between "嘉義市"、"南投縣" and “高雄市"
3. Northern part of "台東縣"
