Assignment 3


Part A.
The above map shows that the proposed grocery store expansion should be located nearby the road sections of 國中街, 興中路, and 忠孝路. 

Purple areas are villages with a population  >=2,500 inhabitants and there are no other grocery store within 500 meters. The yellow areas are schools in Madou District. Due to the large flow of people near the school, parents and students have high demand for groceries. Based on the above factors, we recommend 國中街, 興中路, and 忠孝路 as an extension area.

Part B.
QuickOSM provides a user-friendly interface to execute custom queries in QGIS to get OSM data. I can easily filter out the information I need, such as schools, movie theaters, parking lots, bakeries, etc. I only need to enter keywords and locations to search, which is very convenient. 

However, due to regional differences, there are also differences in the completeness of the data. There is quiet little data about the Madou area. For example, there is no data on cinema, parking lots, etc., which will affect the accuracy of location selection in practical applications.

>Step 1 
Select features only with the population  > 2500

>Step 2
Create a buffer that only displays stores located in the specified area, the range is set to within 500 meters of the store

>Step 3
Use the difference function to find the possible area

>Step 4
Use the QuickOSM plugin to find infrastructure or facilities such as schools, theaters, swimming pools, businesses, etc. to find the best location for grocery store expansion. But the database can only find school data. Therefore, the expansion areas of the store have been initially determined to be 國中街, 興中路, and 忠孝路.
